I gotta have my orange juice.

Jesu, Juva

Archive for the ‘Resources’ Category

Douglas Wilson takes on the new atheism

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In recent months, Doug Wilson has wielded his pen against the new atheism in several ways:

Wilson makes two apologetic moves that you should watch closely. First, he consistently and very deftly pieces apart the atheist’s small little world and shows it to have no foundation, and therefore no meaning, and therefore no force or life or joy. This is well-played presuppositional apologetics. Second, and more importantly, in his personal interaction with Hitchens it is clear that Wilson does not see apologetics as an end in itself. Rather, he repeatedly uses apologetics as a means of disarming his opponent so that he can preach the gospel. It is vital that our practice of apologetics always points to Christ.

Phil Sasser takes on atheism

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My senior pastor recently presented a lecture on apologetics. He took us on a whirlwind tour through classical apologetics, evidential apologetics, presuppositional apologetics, and the moral argument against relativism. Along the way we visited Tertullian, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Pascal, C. S. Lewis, Cornelius Van Til, and many others.

There are no atheistic arguments that have not already been dealt with centuries before we were born. And when you flesh out its true roots and implications, it is atheism that is shown to be truly irrational.

Listen to Phil’s outstanding lecture (in two parts), and download the lecture outlines from Sovereign Grace Church.