I gotta have my orange juice.

Jesu, Juva

Archive for March 2018

Baptism exhortation

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2 Samuel 15 is one of the great baptism passages of the Bible. David crosses the brook Kidron on his escape—his exodus—from Absalom. Several people beg to bring themselves and their families with him. When David returns a few chapters later in 2 Samuel 19, the leaders of Judah must come across the Jordan river to bring David back over the Jordan to Jerusalem.

In John, Jesus crosses the Kidron on his way to the cross, his great exodus. Romans 6 says that we are united to Jesus in baptism, both in death and resurrection. Baptism marks the beginning of Jesus taking us with him from death all the way through to resurrection, just as David took his people with him in exile all the way to victory. Baptism is an exodus into life with Jesus.

My charge to you is all your life to remember by your baptism that Jesus is taking you with him. You are never alone: He is always close to you by his Holy Spirit. No matter hard or sad things are, or how wonderful things are, Jesus is with you, and you can always trust in him to love you and keep you.

Written by Scott Moonen

March 25, 2018 at 5:59 pm